5 Repairs You’re Probably Neglecting that You Shouldn’t

If you’re like most drivers in Minneapolis, MN, you don’t worry about your car until something breaks down. Putting off regular maintenance is easy to do, but it’s not a good idea. Put these top five neglected car repairs on your to-do list. Tire Inspection and Rotation Standard maintenance is one of the best ways […]

Four Affordable Things Everyone Should Keep in Their Glove Box

With one quick reach, you can pull all kinds of things out of the glove box. With a little pre-planning, it can be your go-to spot for roadside emergencies. Our Shakopee, MN, auto pros recommend these four affordable essentials. First-Aid Supplies You hope you never need a first-aid emergency car kit. You want the security […]

Should I Pick All-Season or Summer Tires After Winter?

As the snow and ice begins to thaw throughout Minnesota, it’s time to start gearing up for spring and shed those winter tires for something built for warmer conditions. But should you go back to using your all-season tires or try out a set of high-performance tires? Tires for Almost Every Season All-season tires are […]

What You Need to Do to Maintain Your Electric or Hybrid Vehicle

Low emissions, high-tech features, and fuel efficiency drive the market for hybrid and electric vehicles. Our Plymouth, MN service center fields questions every day about these types of vehicles. Many concerns focus on maintenance: do hybrid or electric vehicles need different maintenance than normal cars? Let’s cover the basics of keeping hybrid and all-electric cars […]

What Kind of Oil Should I Put in My Car?

It seems like it should be easy to select an oil for your car, but different types and numbers offer so many choices. Like all responsible car owners, you want to get your oil change right. If you’re thinking about doing it yourself, we can help. These are the questions we hear most often at […]

Why Are Tire Rotations Important?

Regular tire maintenance tends to slide down most car owners’ to-do list. It’s easy to postpone, but it’s so important. Our tire rotation services in Forest Lake, MN head off driving headaches and keep you safer on the road. Tire Rotation Basics Front and rear tires don’t carry the same weight. Most car designs put […]

Keeping Your Cool: Benefits of a Transmission Cooler

When our master mechanics handle transmission repair at our Bloomington, MN service center, most of the problems we see are caused by overheating. It doesn’t have to happen to you. A simple transmission cooler installation can extend equipment life and reduce the chances of heat-related failure. How It Keeps Things Cool A transmission cooler operates […]

Battery or Alternator? Knowing the Signs of Failure for Each

You settle in behind the wheel and turn the ignition key. Instead of the engine firing up, you hear that dreaded ticking noise. Are you stuck with a dead car battery or something worse? Our Waite Park, MN auto pros can help you troubleshoot this aggravating automotive headache. Why Won’t the Car Start? Your car’s […]

How Your Differential and Drivetrain Work Together

When you enjoy a smooth ride around Minneapolis, MN, your drivetrain and differential are quietly doing their job. These components form the system that transfers rotational power from your engine to your car’s wheels. When you understand how it all works, you’re more likely to catch the small clues that indicate potentially big problems. Is […]

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