Automotive Detective Service from Kennedy Transmission

Automotive Detective Service

When your vehicle starts acting strange, it’s not always clear what is wrong with it. But, it can’t be fixed without an accurate diagnosis. That’s when your trusted mechanic takes out the magnifying glass to solve the mystery of the brake pedal with the sputtering sound in the front quadrant. Making a diagnosis involves close examination, as well as our own recollection of the symptoms. This guide to vehicle diagnosis will help you get your problem taken care of quickly and correctly.

Diagnostics: The Key to Finding the Culprit

If your car’s “check engine” light comes on, you can bet that something’s wrong. In order to begin repairs, technicians need information about where the problem is occurring. Fortunately, much of this information is now stored in on-board computers, decreasing the time it once took to spot issues manually. Nowadays, all your shop has to do is scan your vehicle’s diagnostics port to retrieve problem identification codes. Then they’ll run further tests to fully pinpoint the issue.

Once all that’s done, they are usually able to make a diagnosis and complete the necessary repairs. The cost of a vehicle diagnosis usually depends on how long it takes to sort out the symptoms. Sometimes it’s as easy as retrieving the codes, but other times, a diagnosis still relies on trial-and-error testing.

Give Your Technician a “Clue”

Whether or not your “check engine” light comes on, it’s important to describe the issue to your technician. When you are sick, you tell your doctor your symptoms in order for them to help you. The same applies for vehicles. Explaining the problem makes it easier for your technician to find out what’s going on. Give them specifics – good communication not only results in the right repairs but also cuts down on time.

Here are a few ways to effectively communicate the problem:

  • Don’t merely say “the engine makes a funny noise,” but also explain what the noise sounds like. Is it humming, clapping, or hissing? It’s important to be descriptive.
  • If fluid is leaking, note the color, where it’s dripping from, and when you typically discover puddles.
  • Mention the situation in which the problem usually appears – whether after a certain amount of time driving or over a certain speed.

Kennedy Transmission: Expert Investigators

Unfortunately, your car can’t say where it hurts on a scale of one to ten. But it does present symptoms, and it’s up to you to pay close attention. Once you’ve described your observations to your mechanic, they can take it from there. With advanced diagnostics technology and our dedicated service, we’ll identify the issue from the evidence. Get a diagnostic check and repairs for your vehicle; find your nearest shop to get started.

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